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Integration: Wix + Facebook and Instagram Shops + Meta orders

Rebecca Koss
Rebecca Koss
  • Updated

GoDataFeed has created a seamless integration between Wix users and Meta Shops, providing businesses with a hassle-free way to connect their product data via the Facebook and Instagram Shops feed, and manage Meta orders through our order sync platform. This comprehensive solution provides sellers the opportunity to expand their market footprint into Meta's highly profitable sales channel.

If you haven't already, your first step is to add our Facebook Shops by GoDataFeed app from the Wix App Market by clicking "Add to Site". Select your preferred plan type, and follow the steps shown to sign up for GoDataFeed.

Getting started with Facebook and Instagram Shops

  1. Make sure your business is eligible for a shop.
  2. To seamlessly connect the products in your online store to Facebook and Instagram, and automatically submit the most up-to-date product data to your Shop daily, you need a product feed. You can build a feed within GoDataFeed to either replace your existing feed, or create a new one.

    To build a feed in GoDataFeed, add a new feed template in GoDataFeed and select our Facebook and Instagram Shops feed. Our Facebook and Instagram feeds are auto-mapped for stores with Wix Imports. There may be additional changes you wish to make and if so you can request a feed setup and our team can build this for you, or you can follow the steps in the section below to set up your feed. 

  3. Create your shop, customize your collections, and design your shop in Commerce Manager on desktop.

How it works

The graphic below outlines how the Facebook Shops by GoDataFeed app works to connect your Wix products to your Facebook Shop and sync orders. 

Component 13.png

store-solid.svg Your GoDataFeed Dashboard page

When you sign into GoDataFeed, you will land on the Dashboard page where you will see the Account Setup steps outlined below.  


Click the "Connect" button on the 'Connect to Facebook Shops' step to connect your GoDataFeed and Facebook accounts so that we can submit your products to Facebook and Instagram Shops and sync orders back to your Wix store.

2023-11-29 15_37_52-Mouse Highlight Overlay.png

You must have permission to the Facebook Page and the Commerce Manager Account that you will use to connect this Catalog and Shop. Walk through the steps on-screen and you will receive confirmation upon completion.

  • Upon adding our app and signing up for a GoDataFeed Account, the import of your product catalog from Wix was automatically triggered, and your Wix store was connected to GoDataFeed.

    You will see the status of the Wix import and the Wix connect on the Dashboard. A completed import and connection are indicated by a green check: 

    2023-11-20 10_28_45-Window.png2023-11-20 10_36_40-Window.png

    We recommend you review your imported Wix catalog to ensure all of your products have imported successfully and are coming in as expected, and to determine if additional import settings need to be configured. 

    How to review and download your imported catalog data:

    1. Click on the hyperlinked 'Complete' status (highlighted in the screen above) or navigate to the 'Import' tab > 'Catalog' > you can browse your products on this page in our App, but we recommend you download the import.csv. To do so click the "Download" button in the left-side menu highlighted here:

      Download wix catalog.png
    2. Open the zipped .csv file in your favorite spreadsheet application
    3. The top row of your downloaded Import file displays your product data fields (i.e. - the data points available to map into your feeds) --  browse through the file to view your available data our system is importing from your product catalog as you have it set up in Wix

      data field.png

    4. The top row of your downloaded Import file displays your product data fields (i.e. - the data points available to map into your feeds) and you can browse through the file to view available data for these fields.

    If you don't see all of your products in GoDataFeed:

    Navigate to the 'Import' tab > select 'Primary Source'. Check the 'Include Variants' checkbox, click "Save", then click the "Import" button to bring in the rest of your products.

    2023-12-08 13_50_16-Mouse Highlight Overlay.png

    If your import fails:

    Navigate to the 'Import' tab > select 'Primary Source' to review the credentials. Trigger a new import after making changes by clicking the 'Import' button. The integration may need to be re-installed if the import continues to fail.

  • The Facebook and Instagram Shops feed has been already added to your Feeds. When the import of your products from Wix is completed, the feed will auto-compile and our system will auto-map your Wix product data fields into the feed template as required by Facebook.

    Once you have connected the MBE as described in the step above, the feed will auto-submit daily to your Commerce Manager. 

    Follow the steps in the next section to review your feed setup and confirm it is submitting to your Commerce Manager.
  • Our system enables Order Sync for you, and sets default Shipping methods so we are able to receive orders from Commerce Manager. Review the steps in the Order Sync settings section below to confirm your Orders settings. 

meta - blue.png Review your Facebook and Instagram Shops feed 

Our system auto-maps the feed fields required by Facebook, and auto-submits the feed for you. However, we recommend you review these feed mappings, as well as additional mappings or optimizations you want to include in your feed. You will also want to review our system's validation messages, and the Processing Report for any feed issues.

  • What is feed mapping?

    Feed mapping is the process of inputting your imported product catalog data points (found in the top row of your downloaded import file show in the 'Review your imported Wix catalog' section above) into the feed template's data points so that you are submitting the correct product data -- in the correct format -- to Meta.

    How to review, add, or adjust feed mappings:

      1. In your Facebook and Instagram Shops feed > click 'Mapping' in the left-side menu. 


      2. Our system has automatically mapped some fields for you. So by default, fields like Sku, Price, URL, ImageURL, Brand, Description and Title feed fields, may already be populated in the Mappings column.

        You can add, adjust, or remove these default field mappings at any time.

        You can sort Mappings by category. We highly recommend sorting by 'Required' fields first, before moving on to map additional feed fields.

        example mappings.png

      3. The 'Mappings' column on the right side of the screen is where you click into any Mapping field and 1) Select the product ([P]) value from the dropdown menu of your available product data fields that contains the corresponding product information for the feed field, or 2) enter in a static value that will apply to all products.

        For example, you will select your [P].[description] product field to map the descriptions of your products into the 'description' feed field like this:

        mapping fields.png

        Or you can enter a static value that will apply to ALL products. For example, for the 'condition' feed field you can enter 'New' to submit the condition of all your products as 'New'.

        Remember, to confirm what [P] product fields we are receiving from Wix, and to confirm you have available data in those product fields, you will download your import product catalog file.csv to assist you in accurately mapping your product data into your feed. The steps to do this are outlined in the previous section.

      4. Click the blue "Save" button whenever you add, remove, or change any Mappings.


  • If you have made changes to your feed mappings, or optionally set up filters, assigned categories and created rules, you will need to compile your feed. 

    What does compiling the feed do?

    Compiling a feed applies all of the Mappings, Filters, Categories, and Rules to a feed. Also, our system runs a data validation of your feed data against channel requirements. After a feed is successfully compiled a feed file that can be downloaded and reviewed, as well as a Validation Summary of errors, warnings, and optimization recommendations are produced in our App. 

    We recommend you compile your feed any time you make adjustments and review the resulting Validation Summary.

    How to compile your feed:

    Simply click the 'Compile' button located here in the left-side menu:

    Compile - Facebook.png

  • When the compilation is complete, a 'Validation Summary' card appears on top of the 'Catalog' page.

    FB Validation Summary.png

    How to review Validation messages:

    1. Click on any of the 4 cards to expand the messages for that category
    2. You will see the message, message type, the % and total number of the affected products
    3. Click on any message to review more details and review the channel requirements, and either create a rule or map a new field to resolve



    Best practice

    We recommend reviewing and resolving Error messages first, as products affected by errors will not be submitted to the channel.

  • In order to submit the feed and review the subsequent Processing Report, which includes feed errors returned from the channel, the Meta Business Extension must be connected.


    If you have already connected the MBE via the Dashboard outlined in the previous section, you should see the "Connection Successful" screen shown below. If you do not see this screen, walk through the steps below to connect.

    1. In your Facebook and Instagram feed click 'Meta Business Extension (MBE) Dashboard' on the left-side menu
    2. Click the "CONNECT" button 
    3. Follow the prompts provided in App to make the connection

    Once completed the page should look like the following:

    MBE connect dashboard.png

  • Follow the steps below to submit the completed feed to Meta:

    1. Click 'Settings' in the left-side menu of the feed 


    2. Scroll to the 'Feed Submission' card
    3. The 'Ingestion Source Type' should have the value 'primary' populated, and the 'Feed Id' field will also have a value populated

      2023-12-08 09_52_59-Mouse Highlight Overlay.png

    4. The 'Schedule' button should be toggled ON, indicating the time and days your feed will automatically submit to your Commerce Manager
  • Once the feed has been submitted, Meta will return a Processing Report that informs you whether the channel has accepted the feed, or if the feed has any rejected any items. Users can leverage the information in the Processing Report to determine how optimize their feed, and how to resolve listed errors that are preventing some products from listing in the destination.

    When it comes to these destinations the types of errors returned may be unique to a product type or an account level issue. Please note you may need to configure additional settings or permission in your Meta account.

    How to review the Processing Report:

    1. Click 'Processing Report' from the left-side menu
    2. Just like the 'Validation Summary', you will have a 'Summary' section in the Processing Report, and you can click on any card to expand the messages for that category

      FB processing.png

    3. You can also click the "Download Reports" button to download the full report

boxes-stacked-solid.svg Review Order Sync settings

Order Sync has been enabled for you so that orders placed in Facebook or Instagram Shops can be synced back to your Wix store. We recommend you follow the steps below in order to ensure your Wix permissions match what is required, and that your Shipping Methods and Wix Website ID are set up in GoDataFeed.

  • Grant permissions in your Wix Store:

    1. Log into your Wix account.
    2. Navigate to your Wix website editor.
    3. Click on the "Settings" button on the left-hand side of the editor.
    4. In the Settings menu, click on the "E-Commerce Settings".
    5. Set "Update store inventory" to "When an order is placed" to keep track of your inventory.
    6. When installing the GoDataFeed App you must grant the following permissions:

      • Wix Stores: Read Products
      • Wix Stores: Manage Orders
      • Wix Stores: Manage Contacts
    1. In GoDataFeed go to the 'Orders' page
    2. Click the 'Settings' button

      2023-12-11 10_10_56-GoDataFeed App.png
    3. Click 'Marketplace Sources' from the left-side menu
    4. Click into 'Meta'

      2023-12-11 10_12_49-Photos.png
    5. Scroll down on this page to review Shipping methods

      Our system enters default values for you. You can use the drop-down menus to change Shipping carrier if needed. The Store shipping method name and Store shipping method value do not need to be changed.

      2023-12-11 10_18_46-GoDataFeed App.png

    6. Click "Save" if you make changes to the Shipping carrier.
    1. In the Orders page > select "Store Destination" on the left side

      store destination highlight.png
    2. Locate your Website ID. You can find your website ID in the browser address bar once you are logged into your Wix Dashboard on your Wix website. See an example below of where this value is located:

    3. Enter your Website ID here in GoDataFeed and click "Save".

      website id.png
Need further support in configuring your Facebook and Instagram Shops feed or order sync?

Open a support ticket

Additional Facebook/Meta help articles

meta - blue.png   How to manage catalogs and data sources in Meta

meta - blue.png   How to connect the Meta Business Extension (MBE)

meta - blue.png   Facebook: fixing common errors and warnings

meta - blue.png   Order Sync Destination: Meta source settings

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