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Order Sync Destination: Magento 2.x

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

Easily manage orders from multiple marketplaces in one place. GoOrderSync allows you to update a marketplace order's status, shipping details, tracking information and cancellations. Marketplace order information may be either synced directly with your supported shopping cart platform (see below) or via the GoDataFeed API. 

 Magento.svg  How to setup Order Sync for Magento 2.x Store 

This article will help you configure Order Sync for Magento 2.x. If you want to send products to channels using feeds, then see this article Importing your products from Magento 2.x.


Step 1: Authorization

The Magento 2 Orders integration uses bearer token authentication and requires the Api permissions in the image below.

  • If you have not yet created a token, you need to create a new integration, select the permissions, and generate a new access token. Follow the directions under “Step 3. Create Access Token“.
  • If you have already created a token, you need to add the required permissions to the integration and reauthorize your access token by following the directions under “Step 4. Reauthorize Access Token“.

Api permissions:



Step 2: Enable Access Token Authentication

Enable bearer token authentication for Magento version 2.4.4 and greater. Magento has deprecated the way we authenticate beginning on version 2.4.4.  You must now enable the setting "Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens" in Magento.

  1. In your Magento instance admin panel, go to Stores > Configuration > Services > OAuth > Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer Tokens > Yes.


Step 3: Create Access Token

  1. Log in to your Magento instance as an admin and go to System > Integrations.


2. Click on “Add New Integration“, enter a name for the integration, and enter your password.


3. Go to “API“ and select the list of permissions that are needed for GoDataFeed. You can find these in “Step 1. Authorization“. Press “Save“ to save your new integration.


4. Click on “Activate“ under the new integration that you created.



5. Click on “Allow“, copy your new credentials, and save them somewhere accessible.image-20240118-212656.png


Step 4. Reauthorize your Access Token

1. Log in to your Magento instance as an admin and go to System > Integrations.

2. Look for the integration that you want to use for GoDataFeed and click on “Edit“ with the pencil icon.image-20240118-212841.png


3. Enter your password.image-20240118-213037.png4. Go to “API“ and select the list of permissions that are needed for GoDataFeed. You can find these on “Step 1. Authorization“. Press “Save“ to save your existing integration.


5. Now that your integration has the required credentials, click on “Reauthorize“.


6. Click “Reauthorize“ again and copy and save your new credentials somewhere accessible.image-20240118-213422.png

Step 5. Setup GoDataFeed

Steps to setup authentication:

In your GoDataFeed account, go to the Orders tab: Go to Orders > Settings > Store destination and paste your Magento credentials acquired on steps 2 and 3 into the required fields:

  • Consumer Key
  • Consumer Secret
  • Access Token
  • Access Token Secret
  • Enable Bearer Token → True


3. Get your store id by logging in to your Magento instance as an admin and then go to Stores > All Stores. Then under the “Store“ column click on the store that you wish to use in GoDataFeed.


4. In the url you should now see an id that you can copy and paste in GoDataFeed. In the screenshot below the store id is 1.



5. For Customer Group Code you can use the default or you can enter your own. To view your available list of group codes, login to your Magento instance as an admin and go to Customers > Customer Groups. Customer groups in Magento let you categorize your site’s customer base into different groups.



6. For Payment Method Code, a payment method that does not require an online payment to be processed is required. The default value is 'checkmo' You can use the default value, select one from the list below, or enter your own.



Contact our support team for further assistance with this issue. Be sure to provide any affected sku's or screenshots of where you are encountering an issue.

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Related Help articles: 

📌 Importing your products from Magento 2.x

📌 Troubleshooting: Cannot import products from Magento 2.x

📌 Magento 2: Fastly rejecting or throttling GoDataFeed API calls

📌 Magento 2: How are images imported into GoDataFeed?


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