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Import via FTP or HTTP link

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

GoDataFeed can pick up your tab or comma delimited product source file (.txt or .csv) via FTP, SFTP or HTTP from our -or- your server. We can also import XML files generated according to Google's XML or GoDataFeed's XML schema, see more details below.

This article covers the following topics:

To import via FTP or HTTP

If you would like to import via FTP, SFTP, or HTTP, please reference the help articles below:

Using an Existing Feed File as Your Source File
If you already have a feed file for Google Shopping or an Amazon Category File Template or feed files from other sites, we can most likely use it as your source file.

Creating a Custom Field in Your Source File
To create a custom field in your source file, simply add the field to the source file (populate the data as desired) and it will automatically import in the next import via FTP or HTTP.
If your data comes from an integrated store, select the platform to learn how to add custom fields.

Zip File Requirements:
When using a Zip File, the name inside the file must be the same as the zip file name. For example, a zip file named must have a file in it named Products.txt or Products.csv .

Important Note:
The file name and format must remain unchanged; DO NOT rename or remove existing fields once feeds have been setup.

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