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Importing products from FTP

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

To create listings or update inventory and price on your channels, you will need to first import your product catalog into GoDataFeed. 

You can import your product catalog using a tab- or comma-delimited file in .txt or .csv. You can also import XML files generated according to Google's XML or GoDataFeed's XML schema.

If you would like guidance on how to setup a file, then please see our specifications here: Open Online version or Download PDF version.

  1. In GoDataFeed, navigate to the 'Import' tab > 'Primary Source' > from the Import Source drop-down, select 'FTP'

  2. Enter the file's File Name, FTP Address, Username, Password, and Port

  3. Check off the following options, if applicable:

    • Passive Mode: Typically disabled, this is used when the host FTP server returns the port number the server has opened for access
    • Use SSL: Use with FTPS addresses
    • Dynamic Filename: Enable if you have multiple files that contain the same filename, but need to import only the latest one -- use the wildcard symbol "%" at the beginning or end of the filename also
    • Format: Our system accepts tab- or comma-delimited .txt or .csv, as well as .xml files generated according to Google’s XML or GoDataFeed’s XML schema

  4. Click "Save" to import your products
Note: Do not rename or remove existing fields once feeds have been setup. Otherwise, you will need to re-map the product catalog field in GoDataFeed to ensure the feed continues to work as expected.

If you are importing via SFTP, click here for instructions.

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