In order to connect your Salesforce Commerce Cloud data to GoDataFeed, you’ll need to configure the GoDataFeed API client accordingly and then connect to the Salesforce Commerce API.
If you have already connected a store to GoDataFeed and you are looking to setup a Second store front from the same server, then simply copy the import settings and change the Store front url, catalog id, and site id. You do not need to create an additional api client.
If you've never set up an import in GoDataFeed, click "Connect Primary Source" on the 'Dashboard' page > select Salesforce Commerce Cloud > click Connect
If you've set up an import previously, navigate to the 'Import' tab > select 'Primary source', click the lock button (verify that you understand the effects of changing your source) > set Import source to 'Salesforce Commerce Cloud' > click 'Connect' -
Acknowledge that any previously configured import settings will be modified
- Follow steps 3a - 3n to configure the following fields:
3a: Login to Salesforce Commerce Cloud Account Manager
3b: Navigate to Account Manager > 'Organization' and verify Salesforce has assigned a realm to your organization
3c: Navigate to Account Manager > API Client and click "Add API Client"
3d: Set display name to "godatafeed"
3e: Create a password with at least 12 characters (numbers & letters — e.g. 123456789abc)
3f: Set organization (click "Add" > assign your organization)
3g: Set roles (click "Add" > assign Salesforce Commerce API)
3h: Click the filter icon on the Salesforce Commerce API role3i. Select the tenant URL for your commerce store instance. Make note of your Tenant Id, a combination of your realm Id and instance Id and is part of your URL example: “zybv-prd”
3j. Add default scopes:
sfcc.catalogs.rw3k: Add allowed scopes:
sfcc.catalogs.rw3l: Select your organization
3m: Set the Redirect URL:
3n: Click "Save"
3o: Update the API Client Id, API Client Password, and API Client Tenant Id fields and click "Connect API Client"
3p: Check parameters if something is not configured correctly
3q: Next, make sure your user account has access to Commerce API > go to "User" and select your user email from the list
You will see a list of roles that you have access to and you can add additional roles as well.
* Important: Make sure your user account has the following roles and assign the instance in the filter to the roles
At the end of the setup you will be required to login to Salesforce commerce cloud and approve the GoDataFeed app. The commerce cloud API requires these user roles so that we can import your product catalog.
Follow steps 4a - 4d to configure the following fields:
4a: Go to 'Business Manager' for your store
4b: Navigate to 'Administration' > 'Site Development' > 'Salesforce Commerce API Settings'
4c: Click "Request Short Code" and use these values for the next step
4d: Update the Shortcode for Commerce API, Organization Id for Commerce API, and Base URL for your store fields and click "Next"
4e: Check parameters if something is not configured correctly (we are looking for catalogs in your store that have assigned sites)
Select the 'Catalog' and 'Site' you would like to import data from
User is redirected to login to Account Manager and authorizes GoDataFeed to make API calls
User is redirected back to GoDataFeed and the import begins
If the import is not able to download your products, please review that the selected Catalog Id has products, and the Locale setting is correct for your instance. In GoDataFeed these settings can be found under the 'Import' tab > 'Primary Source'.
You can find your locale setting inside of commerce cloud: 'Merchant Tools' > 'Site Preferences' > 'Locales'
Example: en_CA
All done!
Your Salesforce Commerce Cloud data is now connected to GoDataFeed.
Contact our support team if you have questions or need import assistance
Open support ticket
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