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Import: Shopware - Connecting GoDataFeed to Shopware

GoDataFeed Management
GoDataFeed Management
  • Updated

In order to connect your Shopware account to GoDataFeed, you’ll need to add the Godatafeed extension and then sign in to your existing Godatafeed account to begin syncing your products. 


Step 1  Initiate connection

1. When logged in to Shopware, Navigate to our app listing page by navigating to Extensions and searching the Extensions for Godatafeed, Once located click install app in Shopware. Or you can add our app to your cart.


2. After refreshing, click the toggle button (to the left) to activate the extension.


3. Following the installation manual, go to and log in or signup.


4. Navigate to Products or click the Connect Primary Source button on the Dashboard and select Shopware as your import source. 



5. Enter your Shopware URL and click save. Your credentials will populate and we will import your product data.



6. After your product data is imported, you are ready to create data feeds to over 200 channels. You can complete our request a feed set up form for our team to assist you with setting up you're feed. Or you can begin to add a feed template by navigating in Godatafeed to Feeds > + Feed and searching one of our 200 feed templates to begin setting up the feed. We suggest reviewing our All-in-one Feed Setup Overview Guide on how you can begin setting up the feed. 


Troubleshooting Issues

Our support team is available to assist customers with any issue or configuration. For some common issues that you may be able to resolve see below:

Missing Client Id and Client Secret

1. After refreshing the page, if your client credentials are missing this means your store url is incorrect. Please double check you have entered the correct value.


2. If your credentials are still not populating after clicking the save button, it is possible to manually create your credentials. Navigate to Settings > System > Integrations, Select GoDataFeed

3. Click the Generate new API button.

4. Copy your new id and secret and save in GoDataFeed






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