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How to map a feed

GoDataFeed Technical Team
GoDataFeed Technical Team
  • Updated

Mapping is an alignment of product data points from your primary source to the feed channel's data points.

First, when you import your products into GoDataFeed, our system maps your source data fields to our internal system fields. The first 19 internal system fields are standard fields.

Import mapping example

With Shopify, the product 'name' field comes into our system and is mapped to the standard 'title' field. 

Group 21.png

Source fields are labeled with a [P]. prefix --  [P].[title], [P].[description], [P].[price], etc.

Then when you add a feed, our system will auto-map any matching standard fields into the feed for you --facilitating a speedy setup process.

Group 22.png

This means, you will see some feed fields like 'title', 'description' and 'brand' already mapped after you add a feed. Then, you can review these standard mappings, and create additional mappings to further optimize your feed.  

2 ways to map data

In your feed, go to the 'Mapping' page. You can use the dropdown menu in the top right corner to change the view from 'All fields' to: 'Required fields', 'Optional fields', 'Mapped fields', or 'Not mapped fields'.

We recommend sorting for 'Required fields' first to ensure these are completed first. Failure to map required fields will cause feed errors.


  1. Map in a product source field to include dynamic product data in your feed

    Remember: product source fields are designated with a prefix like this: [P.][Name] or [P.][color] and are coming from your primary source of data -- i.e. Shopify, BigCommerce, Woocommerce, etc.

    Put your cursor into one of the mapping fields and select a product source field from the dropdown menu. The source field list shows you both the source field name or label and the system field name



    It's possible not every [P] field listed in the dropdown has product data, and it's possible some products are missing data. Once you save your mappings and compile the feed, check over the compiled feed to make sure you have data mapped in. 

    If you aren't sure what data is available, or which field holds data for a specific mapping, review the download of your imported product catalog data.

  2. Enter static text string or number for all products

    Useful if you need to map accepted values that are not in your source data. For example, Google 'availability' can be mapped to the words "in stock" to mark all products' available.

    Then, you can create a rule to set 'availability' to the words "out of stock" for products whose 'quantity' value is 0, or less than your optimal inventory.


Functionalities on the Mappings page

  • Show/hide feed field descriptions to view important details about channel data requirements and accepted values for the field.


  • On the right side of the mappings, there is a button to add rules to a feed field. If rules exist for a feed field, a button indicating the number of rules for this field will be visible. When you click this button, you will be taken to the Rules page with the rules list filtered to show you all rules for the feed field.

Group 23.png


How to add/remove feed fields

In order to add or remove feed fields from a feed, you need to clone the feed to create a custom feed.

  1. Go to the Feeds tab from the top navigation
  2. Navigate to the feed you would like to clone, and select the three dots located on the right and select 'Clone the feed'
  3. Copy all of the feed
  4. Activate the cloned feed template
  5. Open the feed
  6. Go to the Mapping page
  7. At the bottom of the Mapping page, find the Template fields
  8. Use the field editor to add or remove feed fields to or from the template


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