Help Center

Feature: API Explorer

Rebecca Koss
Rebecca Koss
  • Updated

The API Explorer addresses common issues users face when troubleshooting issues and new integrations via API.

The API Explorer allows users to:

  • organize API requests
  • improve security
  • facilitate knowledge sharing, and
  • offer on-demand API Access via various integration API's

How to use the API Explorer

  1. Inside our App, the API Explorer can be found in the top nav under the 'Account' dropdown. As a regular user, the list of API sources are filtered to the integrations in the store.

    2024-06-12 16_34_31-Mouse Highlight Overlay.png

  2. After selecting an API, most of the parameters are auto populated, making sending requests easy.

    Get products.png

  3. You can add API’s to the Explorer by clicking the "Settings" button. If needed, an "Import" button is available for bulk inserting new collections into the Explorer.

    settings API.png

  4. When adding an API, you can add a description, labels, type, help center article, check the 'Is Active' box to activate the API in the Explorer, and check the 'Is Admin' box to make the API Admin only.

    settings API 2.png

  5. In the Explorer, click the "Parameters" button to manage the parameters for the integration. The name of the parameter must match the variable in the collection.

    parameters 2.png
  6. In the Parameter settings, you can enter a description, label, and type. There is special logic on the 'Is Visible' setting for the parameter depending if it has a default value, or if its excluded from the API.  

    parameters 1.png


We are always improving and increasing the API's available within the API Explorer, if there is a call that you don't see within our API Explorer, please feel free to contact support along with the details of the request you may be looking for so we can review your request and determine how we may be able to assist with this request.

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