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Import: Oracle - Importing products from Oracle

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

Our integration provides seamless product imports allowing you to manage your product data on Oracle while we automatically retrieve the latest changes on a daily basis.

Register GoDataFeed to use your Oracle API

  1. Log into your Oracle Admin account
  2. Click Settings at the top of the screen
  3. Click Web APIs on the left-hand side of the screen
    Web APIs
  4. Select the Registered Applications tab on the top of the page
  5. Click Register Application
  6. Name your app GoDataFeed and click Save

  7. Click GoDataFeed. Copy and save your Application Key from the popup window

Complete source settings in GoDataFeed

  1. In GoDataFeed > Products > Import Source drop-down, select Oracle
  2. Enter the following information:
    1. Base URL: The URL used to reach your Oracle store, which starts with"ccadmin."
    2. Application key: The Registered Application Key created in your Oracle WEB APIs section
  3. Save -- now you may import your products

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