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Import: AspDotNetStorefront - Importing products from AspDotNetStorefront

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

Our integration provides seamless product imports allowing you to manage your product data on AspDotNetStorefront while we automatically retrieve the latest changes on a daily basis. 

Note: By default our module imports the most relevant fields for use with your data feeds, charges will be applied on a case-by-case basis for any modifications and/or customizations to the module.

Follow these deployment steps to import products

  1. Download the GoDataFeed AspDotNetStorefront Module here
  2. Unzip the XML Packge file
  3. Upload the XML Package file via FTP to /[root directory]/wwwroot/XmlPackages of your store
  4. In GoDataFeed > Products > Import Source drop-down, select AspDotNet
  5. Enter https://[domain]/rssfeed.aspx?channel=godatafeed in the Address field (i.e. https://MyStore/rssfeed.aspx?channel=godatafeed)
  6. Save -- now you may import your products

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