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Schedule catalog import and feed submissions

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

One of the most important things you can do to maintain a high-quality product feed is to keep your data up-to-date. Your product catalog import runs on a daily schedule by default when a new store is created. However, with an import time schedule, you can set up multiple import times to bring in your product data every day, multiple times a day. This is especially useful with stores that maintain frequent updates to their source data, such as inventory, throughout the day, and need this information constantly updated on their channels.


Add an import schedule time

  1. Go to the Import tab from the top navigation and select Schedule.
  2. Choose an import time from the drop-down menu and click + IMPORT TIME to add it
  3. You can pay a flat monthly fee per daily import time beyond what your subscription already includes. Review our pricing for more details.
  4. To delete a time, click the red x next to the time you would like to delete

Activate a feed submission time for an import time

  1. Go to the Feeds section tab.
  2. Select the feed.
  3. Navigate to the Settings section and scroll down to Feed Submission. Once you have FTP details set then you can enable any submission times based on the times added to the import schedule. 
  4. Click Manage Import Schedule for any additional times needed. 
Note: Only active feeds will be visible on the schedule table. 


Day of the Week Scheduling

If you would like to disable the schedule for a specific day of the week at a certain time, you can do so under the Schedule tab.


Click on one of the days to disable the schedule from running on that day and hour.


Troubleshooting Day of the Week Schedule

When disabling the schedule for a specific day and time of the week, time-zone is using UTC time-zone, not your local time. Example:

To exclude Sunday @ 6PM EDT (22 UTC) you should exclude Sunday. 
To exclude Sunday @ 8PM EDT (0 UTC) you should exclude Monday.
To exclude Sunday @ 9PM EDT (1 UTC) you should exclude Monday. 
To exclude Monday @ 12AM EDT (4 UTC) you should exclude Monday.






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