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Troubleshooting: Firewall rejecting GoDataFeed API Calls

GoDataFeed Technical Team
GoDataFeed Technical Team
  • Updated

We found that stores using a proxy server to limit traffic reject our API calls to download their product data. Please follow the instructions below to (1) allow our IP addresses, and (2) enable the API endpoint to allow our calls.


Allow our IP addresses

Please allow the IP addresses listed here: GoDataFeed server IP addresses

Use this article Cloudflare "Configuring IP Access Rules":


Enable the API endpoint to allow our calls


CloudFlare: Within CloudFlare navigate to Page Rules > Create Page Rule > Create a Page Rule for [domain]


Page Rules tutorials


Once these tasks have been completed, please try to import your catalog into GoDataFeed again by navigating to Import > Import on the left. 


Sucuri: You may need to disable certain security settings within Sucuri in order for your import to be successful. 


Question: The import is failing to update successfully, when contacting Sucuri they advised “While reviewing the logs we are seeing that a lot of request for "GoDataFeed" are showing to be JSfiltered due to the DDOS prevention option being active on the firewall settings."


Answer: The customer was able to disable the setting and the import is now successful once triggered again. 


Once these tasks have been completed, please try to import your catalog into GoDataFeed again by navigating to Import > Import on the left. Should this issue persist please open up a support ticket and provide our support team with the details of your issue and any steps taken to try to resolve the issue so we can look into this further.

Open a support ticket

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