Help Center

FAQ: Account - How do I reset or change my password?

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

There are two ways to change your user password in GoDataFeed. 


If you forgot your password and need to change it:

  1. Navigate to the login page: 
  2. Select Forgot Password? 
  3. Enter the email address you are attempting to reset or change your password for and complete the re-captcha instructions. 
  4. Once complete select Send to submit the information. 
  5. Check your email in 10-15 minutes for your reset password email. 

Please note all password or new user emails expire after 24 hours. If you have an email and the link has expired then you will need to follow the above instructions to be issued a new email. For security purposes, our support team cannot access passwords on file.

To change your password on the My Profile page once you are already logged in: 

  1. Select My Profile from the user drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  2. Click the Change Password tab from the sub-menu on the left
  3. Enter the old password along with your desired new password 
  4. Save.



Contact our support team for further assistance with this issue. Be sure to provide any affected sku's or screenshots of where you are encountering an issue.

Open a support ticket


Related Help articles: 

📌 Account owner: overview

📌 FAQ: Account - How to change account owner

📌 FAQ: Account - What do I do if I can't log in to my account?

📌 FAQ: Account - How to change account owner


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