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Feed: Amazon - Generate a parent for child variations using ParentTitle

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

The GoDataFeed product catalog import from both Shopify and 3dcart do not contain actual parent rows, so the feed has the ability to create a virtual parent from the first child it finds. When our system attempts to create the virtual parent, it will use the first child's title, description, image and so on for the parent. 

Please be sure that all child products have the same parent title. There most often is a "parent_title" field that you can import into GoDataFeed and map to parent_title in the feed. 

To generate a parent record:

  • Use a custom rule to SET Parentage to "child" for all child variant skus (for example, where parentsku is not empty)
  • Use a custom rule to SET RelationshipType to "variation" for all child variant skus (for example, where parentsku is not empty)
  • Use a custom rule to SET VariationTheme to the accepted value, such as Color or Size (for example, where Color is not empty; where Size is not empty)
  • Use a custom rule to SET Color, Size, and any variation theme related attributes (for example, where Color is not empty; where Size is not empty)
  • Map ParentSku to parent_sku (Shopify data, use '[P].[product_id]')
  • Optional, Use a custom rule to set feed title to 'product title' + child attributes like color and/or size (given the title is the same for all children), then map product title to feed ParentTitle. This will ensure all children have unique, easily identifiable titles and the parent sku has the product level generic title.

ParentTitle Output Example:

Parent record when feed title is mapped to product catalog title: 

[F].[Title] mapped to [P].[title]

Parent title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women


Child records when feed title is mapped to product catalog title, with concatenated child attributes using comma+emptySpace to separate the fields: 

[F].[Title] mapped to [P].[title] + ", " + [P].[Size] + ", " + [P].[Color]

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, Red, Small

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, Red, Medium

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, Red, Large

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, White, Small

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, White, Medium

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, White, Large

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, Blue, Small

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, Blue, Medium

Child title: MyLeggingsBrand Crazy Soft Leggings for Women, Blue, Large




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