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Feed: Facebook - Meta Shipping Methods

Yesenia DeSalle
Yesenia DeSalle
  • Updated

Set the shipping methods for each Meta shipping service offered to customers, which will appear on the order details in the customer’s store when our system creates the order in the store's platform.

If the GoDataFeed API is used, this will be the value provided for the shipping method when the API call for New orders is made.

Shipping Methods are Required

Without a shipping method, Order Sync cannot be enabled.

Key terms

  • Shipping Method - These are the Meta shipping services. You want to map the ones you offer to customers.
  • Shipping Carrier - Set a static value to be used when our system updates Meta with the tracking number from your store.
  • Name - Typically, you should make the Name be the same as the Value.
  • Value - This is the shipping method value that will appear in your store order details (this will be the 'shipping method' in the GET orders API call).

    2023-12-12 10_14_30-GoDataFeed App.png

To configure Order Sync and set up shipping methods follow the steps in this Help article.

Order status definitions

Value Definition
New The order was extracted from the Order Source and inserted into our database.
Processing The order was paid and can be fulfilled by the seller. Orders in this status are seen as 'Unshipped' or 'Unfulfilled' on the marketplace and in our App.
Shipped The order status is 'Shipped' on the marketplace, whether by order sync update or manually in the marketplace.
Cancelled The order status is 'Cancelled' on the marketplace, whether by order sync update or manually in the marketplace.
Manual_Sync The order status was found to have been updated as 'Shipped' on the marketplace but not by the system. We assume a user manually updated the order on the marketplace outside of the order sync process.

Mapping Meta status values

View how Meta order status values are mapped in GoDataFeed: 

Component 35.png

Based on Meta's documentation, if an order has the status 'FB_Processing' for more than 24 hours it can be cancelled, therefore we cancel orders in that state. 


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