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Feed: Microsoft Advertising (Bing Shopping) - Submitting a feed to Microsoft Advertising (Bing Shopping)

Jason S
Jason S
  • Updated

Configure and schedule your feed submission to Microsoft Advertising (Bing Shopping).


Create a feed in Microsoft Advertising Merchant Center

  1. Log into Microsoft Merchant Center > select 'Merchant Center'
    If you haven't created your Merchant Center store in Microsoft Ads yet, select 'Create Store' and enter your store information.
  2. Select the 'Feeds' tab
  3. Select 'Create feed'
  4. Fill in the feed details, including:
    • Enter your Feed name (like "GoDataFeed")
    • Select 'Enable publishing'
    • Choose a feed type
    • Country of Sale
    • Language
  5. Under 'Input Method' you may select one of two options and follow the steps below:
    • 'Upload via FTP/SFTP'
    • 'Automatically download file from URL'



Option Submit 'Upload via FTP/SFTP'

Follow these steps to complete your feed setup if you selected 'Automatically download file from URL':

  1. Enter 'microsoft_advertising_godatafeed' as the file name.mceclip2.png
    • Note, the file name must match the file name in your GoDataFeed feed settings
    • Go to GoDataFeed > Microsoft Adevertising > Settings > General settings > File name

  2. In Microsoft Advertising Merchant Center, go to Settings
    • If needed, create an FTP username and password that will activate an FTP location for you in Microsoft Merchant Center
  3. Copy the FTP details from Microsoft Merchant Center settings into GoDataFeed > Feeds > Microsoft Advertising > Settings > Submission parameters
    • FTP host address: or ftps:// 
    • Username and password
    • If you are using ftps://, go to Feed parameters > Advanced Settings > Port enter "22"

  4. Click Save
  5. Verify your submission schedule in GoDataFeed along with your email preferences
  6. Click Submit in GoDatafeed to submit the feed immediately, otherwise, the feed will submit at the next scheduled time


Option Fetch 'Automatically download file from URL'

Follow these steps to complete your feed setup if you selected 'Upload via FTP/SFTP':

  1. Source URL: Copy and paste the feed pull URL from GoDataFeed, then skip User name and Password
  2. Frequency: Select Daily
  3. Time: Select a time of day when the feed should be fetched by Microsoft. Ensure you are selecting a time when GoDataFeed will have already (1) imported your product data and (2) compiled your feed. Typically, you should select a time after the scheduled import. Depending on how long it takes for our system to both import your data and compile the feed, you should a time after this is complete in GoDataFeed.
  4. Time zone: Select a time zone for the time you selected. Options are limited here, so choose the time zone that makes sense for the time you are entering above.
  5. Run/Pause: Set to Run



Monitor errors and warnings

Once your feed is processed by Microsoft Merchant Center, you should monitor the results for any data errors or warnings. Our team is available to help you address these issues if needed.

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