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Feed: Amazon - Switch listings to Fulfilled by Amazon (AFN)

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

If you would like to mark your items as FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon), follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Feeds tab from the left navigation
  2. Open the desired Amazon feed template
  3. Map the following fields when items are FBA either under Mapping or Custom Rules:
    • FulfillmentCenterID: AMAZON_NA (NA = North America, apply the appropriate continent/country)
    • SwitchFulfillmentTo: AFN
  4. When FulfillmentCenterID is 'AMAZON_NA' and SwitchFulfillment is 'AFN' Quantity will not be sent, instead the inventory.xml will show "lookup".

Please note:

  • FulfillmentCenterID is set to DEFAULT when left blank in the feed. Specifying a value other than DEFAULT for FulfillmentCenterID will cancel the Merchant-fulfilled offering.
  • Resubmitting with a blank or DEFAULT value for the FulfillmentCenterID, along with Quantity, will switch the item back to Merchant-fulfilled. 
  • SwitchFulfillmentTo is set to MFN when left blank in the feed. SwitchFulfillmentTo should be set to AFN when items are FBA.

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