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Feed: ShareASale - Submission best practice

Jason S
Jason S
  • Updated

Submission Frequency 

Please note that ShareASale rejects any uploads after 30 files in a calendar month. Please note that we recommend weekly submissions so you can manually submit within a month and avoid the upload limit.

Merchant # Required
Have your Merchant # handy when you setup the feed it is a required field. This is found in your ShareASale Merchant Control Center at the top left.

GoDataFeed's Originating IP Address
When setting up your ShareASale account, you will need to enter in the IP addresses of the sender:


Your ShareASale FTP directory has exceeded the upload limit of 30 files per calendar month. Error message from ShareASale: 'Quota Exceeded; 0 files; 0 bytes'. 

When the upload frequency exceeds ShareASale's 30 file limit, we receive a transport error. We recommend changing the frequency to weekly to send 4 files monthly. A weekly frequency can help to avoid getting this error and allows additional submissions in case there are other errors to be corrected.

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