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Your GoDataFeed FTP Location

Sarah B
Sarah B
  • Updated

When a new store is created in your account, a dedicated FTP directory is provided for that store. You can upload your product files to this FTP and import your data directly to your store. You can even merge files from this FTP location with any of our supported ecommerce platforms!

Importing from your GDF FTP Account

To access your FTP location and add your product files:

  1. Go to the Imports page by navigating to Manage > Imports
  2. Select the Settings tab and change the Import Source dropdown option to FTP
  3. Click the Use GDF FTP icon to the right of the dropdown to populate your GDF FTP settings into the import parameters. Clicking the eyeball icon will allow you to preview your password. Use these settings to log in to the GDF FTP using your preferred FTP client.
  4. Save
Note: Your GDF FTP settings can also be viewed in the Stores settings page

To reset your FTP password:

  1. Go to Account > Stores
  2. Click on the store
  3. Click the Reset Password icon next to the FTP Password


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