GoDataFeed has established integration with TikTok Shop, enabling businesses to effortlessly link their product data, handle shipped by seller orders, and generate sales on the widely used social platform. By streamlining the procedure, businesses can enhance their listings, synchronize inventory, and make use of TikTok's advertising features. This inclusive solution serves as a means to extend their market presence and effectively harness the potential of TikTok as a lucrative sales channel.
New Seller Probation Period
New sellers to TikTok (both individual and corporate) are subject to a probation period that limits the number of daily orders sellers can accept and the number of uploads sellers can list per day. At this time, TikTok will only sync a maximum of 100 products a day until certain seller limits are met.
For more details, see TikTok Shop Academy (login may be required to view these details).
When new users sign up with GoDataFeed from TikTok Seller Central we automatically connect to TikTok. To complete setting up your GoDataFeed Account and TikTok feed, follow the steps outlined in this article.
Please note we suggest in order for your TikTok feed to be successful use one app or partner or contact any other third-party applications you may be integrated with to review any conflicts.
Choose a Primary Source
To create listings or update inventory and price on your channels, you will need to first import your product catalog into our system. You may either choose from one of our platform integrations such as Shopify Marketplace, BigCommerce, Squarespace, or provide a file via HTTP/FTP.
Each of our import options has a separate set of instructions. Once you select your preferred option you can follow the instructions in the help article on the right side of the screen to generate the credentials needed on the left.
Connect to TikTok
In order to get started with setting up your Feed, you will need to ensure you have connected your Godatafeed account to TikTok. This is an important step in order to move forward as we will need to include values from TikTok when mapping the feed.
To authorize the service, you must log in with your Owner Account (sub-account doesn't have permission for authorization).
When you sign in to Godatafeed, You will see the Account Set up section on your Dashboard. On the fourth step shown, you will see the 'Connect to TikTok' section.
You will need to select "CONNECT" in order to connect GoDataFeed to TikTok. You will be taken to TikTok Seller Center to complete the remaining steps to authorize the connection. See below:
How to set up your TikTok Shop feed
Once your import is set up our system will automatically compile the feed for users to review the data and work through errors. Errors shown on our feed template reflect missing data points within the feed template. In order to resolve them, review the steps below to make sure your feed is compliant with TikTok requirements:
First, you need to make sure the TikTok Dashboard is connected within the TikTok feed because you will use this to lookup required feed fields and values you need to include in your feed:
- Navigate to the 'Feeds' page > select the TikTok feed
- Click 'TikTok Dashboard' in the left-side menu
- Once the page loads you will see either a section to connect to TikTok or you will see a successful connection
If you are currently not connected then please select the "CONNECT" button and follow the prompts to complete these steps. If you are connected please continue.
Warehouse values must be mapped into the TikTok Shop feed. Follow the steps below that outline how to look up and map these values into your feed.
How to Get Warehouse values:
- Navigate to the 'TikTok Dashboard' page in your feed > click the blue 'Get Warehouses' button to return a list of your current warehouse IDs
- You will need to copy the 'Warehouse ID' value of the 'Local Sales warehouse' to map in the feed
How to map Warehouse values into the feed:
- Navigate to the 'Mapping' page
- Use the search bar to search for 'WarehouseId'
- Paste the copied Warehouse ID value here
- Click "Save"
- You will then need to map the feed field 'AvailableStock' with the corresponding Warehouse in order to submit the number of items you have in stock in order to submit the correct data to the channel
If you have multiple warehouses you can map more than one and submit the corresponding 'AvailableStock' field that corresponds as expected. You can review the following link for more details on Warehouses: What is Multi-Warehouse Feature?
In order to search for the required category rules and category attributes required by TikTok for your categories of products, you will need to create a category rule(s) to determine your category values.
How to create a Category Rule:- In the TikTok feed, click on 'Categories' in the left-side menu > scroll down to 'Rules'
- Click the blue "+ Category Rule" button to add a category rule
- You will then be prompted with a window for you to search all of the available categories where you can sell your products. Click "Select" next to your selected category. Note: you can create a series of rules if you have several different categories of products in your catalog.
IMPORTANT: The required attributes to be mapped in the feed may vary per category. We will review this in detail in the corresponding "Get Category Attributes" step below.
- Set the "WHERE" conditions to set the category rule to apply to some or all products. For example, if you have selected a clothing category you will set the where clause for the rule to apply to your clothing products based on an identifier in your imported catalog.
For example, in our test store we selected a clothing category for clothing products and set the rule to apply to products whose 'product_type' contains the word 'clothing':
See how to download & review your imported catalog data to review your [P] product fields you will use to map your feed and create WHERE conditions in category and feed rules
How to download your imported catalog
IMPORTANT!: You will need to copy the 6-digit number that appear after your category rules are saved, as we will need them in the next step to search the "Category Rules" in the TikTok dashboard to tell us what feed fields are required to map on the feed.
When you begin setting up the feed, certain categories may have rules that require size charts, product certifications, and more that are required to be included in the feed. So before setting up your feed, it is recommended that you lookup these requirements in the TikTok dashboard.
How to get Category Rules:- Click on 'TikTok Dashboard' in the left-side menu in the feed > click "Get Category Rules"
- Enter the 6-digit category number from your category rule from the step above to return what required for your selected category
- If 'Size Chart Mandatory' shows 'true' then you will need to map this value in the feed
In order to determine what product attributes are required in the feed, you will need to copy the 6-digit values from the category rules you created in the step above, and then search each one in the 'TikTok Dashboard'.
How to get Category Attributes:
- Navigate to the 'TikTok Dashboard' page in the feed > click the fourth button "Get Category Attributes"
- Paste one of the 6-digit category ID values you copied from the 'Categories' page
- Click the "Submit" button
Review the 'Input Type' column and determine which fields are 'true' under 'Is Mandatory':
Deciphering the Input Types:- Is Mandatory: True = You need to map this field to the feed
- Is Mandatory: False = You do not need to map this field name to the feed
- Is Customized: True = You can map any value you'd like to this field
- Is Multiple Selected = This means multiple values can be submitted to the feed field
- In your TikTok Shop feed > click the 'Mapping' page in the left-side menu
- Click the "Grouped" button in the header
- Click to expand the "Basic product details" section and map values into the primary feed fields required by TikTok
- When you have completed the "Basic product details" section, click the header to collapse the grouping, so you can browse through the page or use the search bar to find the mappings group for your TikTok category
- Click your category to expand the category mappings
- Referencing the category attribute lookup you completed in the step above, map data, enter a static value, or create feed rules for all feed fields in your category, or at minimum, the required fields for your category
- Click the caret on the feed field to expand the dialog box to see more details and data examples of what TikTok requires for a feed field
If you are encountering a feed error due to missing data points, or other feed errors, our 'Validation Summary' shows users all of the current errors in the feed, and what feed attribute fields may need to be mapped based on the channel requirements.
In this case the standard list of required fields from TikTok, as well as the category-specific required you have been working through in the steps above.
How to review feed errors:- The 'Validation Summary' card is located at the top of 'Catalog' page in your feed
- Click on a card to expand the messages for that category
We recommend reviewing any errors in your feed first, because products affected by errors will be excluded from the feed.
- Click into any message from the 'Message' list to view recommendations for resolving the error and view the list of affected products
If you need assistance or have questions about feed errors, contact our Support team
Open support ticket - The 'Validation Summary' card is located at the top of 'Catalog' page in your feed
- In your TikTok Shop feed click 'Settings' in the left-side menu
- Scroll Down to the 'Feed Submission' card, and below 'Schedule' toggle the OFF button to ON button and set the submission schedule on the right side
- Once you've enabled the Feed Submission schedule, you can trigger a feed submission by clicking the "Submit" button in the upper left side menu
- Once the feed completes submitting, we suggest monitoring the processing report for any errors or areas to review
Once the feed has been submitted, TikTok will return a Processing Report that informs you whether the channel has accepted the feed, or has rejected any items.
The Processing Report will contain details of the errors where you may need to map additional attributes in the feed to resolve these errors.
How to review the Processing Report:- Click 'Processing Report' from the left-side menu
- Just like the 'Validation Summary', you will have a 'Summary' section in the Processing Report, and you can click on any card to expand the messages for that category
- You can also click the "Download Reports" button to download the full report
- We recommend mapping the feed field (or reviewing the mapping of the field), or creating a rule to resolve error messages
When it comes to Processing Reports it's helpful to select one SKU containing an error and search this on the processing report page to ensure you are viewing all errors affecting the SKU.
Sometimes there are secondary errors all relating to one error causing the rejection. Some may present that you may need to contact TikTok Shop support for further information.
TikTok Order Source
Once your feed is set up, you can work on setting up Orders so that shipped by seller orders placed in TikTok Shop are synced back to your shopping cart platform. For customers using "platform shipping" or "shipped by TikTok" fulfillment, the order data does not contain buyer information and can not be fulfilled the same as shipped by seller orders.
Learn more about Fulfilling TikTok Orders:
A guide to fulfillment at TikTok
How to process "Shipped by Platform" Orders
How to process "Shipped by Seller" Orders
Follow the steps below in order to set up Orders:
- Click on the 'Orders' tab in the top navigation bar:
- Click "Activate Order Sources" or "Settings," if you have a previous order source set up:
- Under 'Marketplace Sources', click the blue "+" button and select 'TikTok' as your order source by clicking "+ADD"
- Turn on the TikTok order source by toggling the button under the 'Status' column
- Click on the 'Orders' tab in the top navigation bar:
Click on the hyperlinked name 'TikTok' and fill out the necessary information on this page, such as shipping methods, in the settings for the TikTok order source
Connect your desired order destination platform, such as Shopify, Magento, or BigCommerce, by selecting it in the 'Store Destination' section
- Provide the API credentials for your selected order destination
- Review all settings and shipping mappings to ensure accurate order syncing between TikTok and your order destination
- Toggle on Order Sync:
- We will start importing your TikTok Orders into our system and then we will sync them:
Need further support in configuring your TikTok feed setup or order sync?
Open a support ticket
See additional help articles for further:
OrderSync: Sync Marketplace orders
Multiple Fulfillment in OrderSync and Orders API
All-in-one Feed Setup Overview Guide
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